The 2020-2021 season of the Jazz Club Perugia available for streaming |
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The 2020-2021 season of the Jazz Club Perugia available for streaming


🔴  Update: Jazz Club Perugia 2020/2021 cancelled 

The 2020-2021 season of the Jazz Club Perugia available for streaming

The novelty of this season of the Jazz Club Perugia is the possibility to watch the live streaming concerts, for a fee, through the Umbria Jazz website. Buy your ticket online.

Here’s all the info for the live stream, starting at 9.30 pm. The concert won’t be available on demand.

How to access the live streaming:

  1. Enter the UJ LIVE page on the Umbria Jazz website;
  2. The concert will be visible after the registration;
  3. After the payment you can watch the concert using the codes and the credentials received at checkout.

  • Are you an individual? The cost of the live stream is € 5
  • Are you the owner of a bar, a restaurant or a jazz club? The cost of the live stream is € 50

PLEASE NOTE: the public viewing of the concerts is only authorised if the purchase procedure of the live stream for restaurateurs is carried out. SIAE permits are charged to the owner of the business.
